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Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: Harkirat Singh (IP Logged)
Date: April 29, 2008 03:31AM

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

I would just like to ask how has keeping sarbloh effected your jeevens, other than making food in sarbloh what effect has it had on you spritualy/physicaly


Re: Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: Sardar (IP Logged)
Date: April 29, 2008 06:17PM

it gave me ego, anger and depression. i wanna get rid of this, but at the same time with guru sdahib ji kirpa i dont want to give up sarbloh.


Re: Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2008 12:35PM

I would just like to ask how has keeping sarbloh effected your jeevens, other than making food in sarbloh what effect has it had on you spritualy/physically

Gursikhs who keep Sarbloh Bibek do so because they believe this to be a rehit of Guru Sahib. As for benefits of keeping this rehit, it would vary from person to person. Every person’s present state of being is a result of karma done in the past and since everyone has done different karma in different degrees, no person’s present state or future for that matter is identical to another person.

When we start keeping rehit, obeying hukams of Guru Sahib, doing Gurbani Paath and above all japping Naam, the visible changes and results in one’s life are different from other people doing the same thing. If Gursikh A does one Siri Sukhmani Sahib and a Gursikh B too does a Siri Sukhmani Sahib the phal would be same if they have paath with same concentration and love but the results will be different because no two persons are at same spiritual avastha at a given time. Yes, eventually, Paath and Simran will lead everyone to the same destination.

As far as Sarbloh Bibek’s effect in my life is concerned, it has certainly improved my spiritual jeevan. If all other things are held constant, I believe it has improved my concentration in paath and simran. The first time I ate from Sarbloh Baata, it gave me an amazing experience. I was an amritdhari back in mid 1990s but not a Sarblohi Singh at that time. I went to my Nanke pind near Amritsar and there was a Singh from the nearby village who was a pakka Sarblohi Singh. I heard about him and how he had not broken his Sarbloh Bibek even in custody. I went to see him at his shop. When he saw a Singh (me) at his shop and when my Naani jee told him that I was from his biraadari (class, group i.e. AKJ), he was thrilled. He was overjoyed to see a Singh and ran outside with his baata. He said he would be back soon. He came back with baata full of cold water from a nearby handpump and bananas. When I held the baata from his hand, I felt a strange, pleasant feeling and I felt some kind of déjà vu. It seemed to me as if water was releasing bijliyaan. The water had an amazing taste that got enhanced because of Sarbloh and the pyaar of this Singh.

Then he asked me how I was managing Bibek i.e. where I was getting food to eat. When he found out that I was not a Bibeki yet, he was very disappointed. He did not say anything but it showed on his face. It killed me. It just crushed my heart to see him disappointed in a Singh. I was not an innocent person since I knew that Sarbloh Bibek was a must. I had read all books of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee and knew about Sarbloh Bibek. I will tell you the honest reason why I did not keep Sarbloh Bibek at that time. I had made up my mind that if punj pyare tell me to keep this rehit, I will certainly keep it but I got peshed couple of times, once for Amrit and at other time for a minor mistake but both times the Punj Pyare did not mention Sarbloh Bibek and I too procrastinated.

Anyway, later on, in due time, Guru Sahib blessed me with this rehit and at this point I cannot imagine life without Sarbloh Bibek. Who knows what will happen in the future and I make no claim of staying firm in rehit. All I do is pray sincerely that may Guru Sahib bless me with this rehit for rest of my life. Once you start Sarbloh Bibek, you cannot imagine eating in kachay utensils. In my opinion, the only pakki dhaat (real utensil) is of Sarbloh. Rest is just kach-pich. This is just my opinion. I hope I have not offended anyone.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: Harcharan Singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 01, 2008 03:27AM

Your honesty is inspirational veer Kulbir Singh ji.


Re: Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: Gurdyal (IP Logged)
Date: May 01, 2008 01:55PM

I image the physical benefit is increased iron in the diet.


Re: Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: May 02, 2008 04:35AM

in my view Iron since from its discovery had remained the symbol of power and now also . Guruji was well aware of the fact and he wanted his sikhs to always remain to the proximity of iron. Iron on the other hand caries medical benefits also as it carries and important mineral for the body.


Re: Question For Sarblohi Singh
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 02, 2008 07:25AM



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