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Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: chaatrik (IP Logged)
Date: April 25, 2008 03:13PM


We have an upcoming Jathaa Samaagam for the first time in our town. I was wondering, where can get Sarbloh karayeeaan big enough for making Degh and a couple of large Baate for varthaaying? (Does Tapoban Sahb have any extras?? :P) Our utensils that we use at home are way too small for a 400+ number Sangat. Also, is it against Maryada to make Degh in separate karaayeean and taking it into Darbar in 2/3 separate baate, if by chance we can't get hold of big enough utensils? (This is another calling to have some Singhs come down from big cities such as Toronto and come help us little guys out in keeping Proper Maryaada!!)



Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: chaatrik (IP Logged)
Date: April 28, 2008 12:14PM



Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: April 28, 2008 08:50PM

Veer Chaatrik ji look for those into ur nearest Gurudwara. I think they will definately help u out.

Gurudwaras at any place are well equipped with such Big sized utensils. In case u dont get any. U can arrange it by taking thm on rent from any community house.
wash them clean and thm make wht u want. Hope this will help u.



Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: chaatrik (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2008 06:06PM

The Gurdwaare here don't use Sarabloh utensils.. Actually, I'm pretty sure were the only family in our town that has any baate at all. Anymore help Sangat jee?!?


Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: chaatrik (IP Logged)
Date: May 03, 2008 04:11PM



Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: chaatrik (IP Logged)
Date: May 06, 2008 04:04PM

Com'on Singho, Help a brother out :)


Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: SarblohKaur (IP Logged)
Date: May 06, 2008 06:16PM

Where and when is this smagam? Hopefully someone will be able to help you out.


Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: chaatrik (IP Logged)
Date: May 07, 2008 06:55AM

Samaagam is in Atlanta, GA (USA) from June 19th to 22nd.
Does someone from Toronto know if Sacha Sauda Store has Sarbloh Karayeean etc? I've heard they ship by post, but if not, road tripp. Also, would they have Khandaa/Bataa etc. for an Amrit Sanchaar? Apologies for all these questions..


Re: Samaagam Help - Degh Sevaa
Posted by: Sardar Singh (IP Logged)
Date: May 07, 2008 11:21AM

I believe Sacha Sauda did have quite a bit of sarbloh equipment, including batas, khandas and karahis, but perhaps not huge karahis.

I think you can ask the confirmed sangat from Toronto to bring the sarbloh items with them.

As for the degh preparation: obviously, the ideal situation is when degh is prepared in a karahi, cooled, transferred to a bata and then brought into sangat.

In the alternative, the question arises, if this isn't possible, what to do? Obviously degh still needs to be prepared so you do what you can. If that means, not a big enough bata is available, then it is brought in the karahi it was prepared in. If there aren't big enough karahis to prepare all the degh, then the only alternatives are no degh or you prepare it in separate batches.

It's not ideal, but when you have a situation of no degh vs. some other arrangement, usually the latter is the better choice.


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