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what is hell ???
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: April 23, 2008 08:30AM

Gurbani tells that there are crores of karam bhoomis, hells and heavens. I feel if somebody wants to see hell, one can stay in DELHI for some time, thats a visit to hell AND THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.


Re: what is hell ???
Posted by: hopeless (IP Logged)
Date: April 23, 2008 12:27PM

gurbani does not agree with you as hell is a place were wrong doers,sinners are punished.............and Delhi is were most of them roam free and happy in there corruption.......so Harinder..........i am fed up with your posts as you are not like minded as the rest of the people on this forum and i will make a point regardless of how frustrating your posts maybe in the future.....i will resist and not post back and ask eveyone else to do likewise as so many useless subjects are being posted by harinder and will put off newcomers.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2008 12:51PM by admin.


Re: what is hell ???
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2008 05:29AM

every such place whre people dont remember the ultimate and supreme god is HELL.


Re: what is hell ???
Posted by: kpsingh (IP Logged)
Date: May 03, 2008 03:34PM

A detailed description of hell, can be found here:


Here one gets idea of types of hell and the dreadful conditions one has to face, who has diverted from path of Dharam.

lyKY kqih n CUtIAY iKnu iKnu BUlnhwr ]
bKsnhwr bKis lY nwnk pwir auqwr ]1]


Re: what is hell ???
Posted by: anom7 (IP Logged)
Date: May 24, 2008 02:09AM

i have noticed gurbani uses a lot of hindu phytholgy to get points across
like in japji sahub about the bull holding up the world, and why doesnt anyone think whos really holding up the world
but guru jes making a point
before i used to take it literall
but i was stupid to dot hat
if narak is actually a place which is possible, it cud be another plane of existence ont he same plane as us
meaning as we live in this world, it goes on, but at the same time there is antoehr plane of existence, almost like another dimension
its very easy to think there are other paathaals, and other realms
maybe this is one thing that isnt myhsolgy or used to prove a point but really is narak
there are many naraks and many suargas
and i dunt kno if thats LITERAL or used to make points
but its easy to see it is literall, i mean we live in a age where dimensions, and plane of existence are sort of being understood
i wudnt be surpsied if this was real, jus like how guru nanak dev je said there are pathaala pathaal lakh agaasa agaas
there are many descritpiton in hindu puranas, i thnk one details the after life in detail


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