ਪ੍ਰਥਮਰਹਿਤਯਹਿਜਾਨਖੰਡੇਕੀਪਾਹੁਲਛਕੇ॥ ਸੋਈਸਿੰਘਪ੍ਰਧਾਨਅਵਰਨਪਾਹੁਲਜੋਲਏ॥

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How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: mpsingh86 (IP Logged)
Date: March 16, 2008 04:52AM

Dear Sad Sangat Ji, I need help from you.

I want to maintain my Amirt Vela. Problem is i try very hard every morning to get up but unable to do so. I goto college in morning and then to Job in the afternoon and arrive home arounf 9.00pm. Normally i sleep around 12.00pm after having my dinner,walk and then sleep.

I donot know what to do. Please help me what shud i do.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: hardeep sengh (IP Logged)
Date: March 16, 2008 12:13PM

This article is about the importance of Amritvela...and what Maharaj has said about Amritvela...! The Shabad goes as follows..

mÚ 4 ]

Fourth Mehla:

gur siqgur kw jo isKu AKwey su Blky auiT hir nwmu iDAwvY ]

One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name.

Mahraj is telling us about the importance of Amritwela...Maharaj has CLEARLY stated that he or she is only a true Gursikh that wakes up Amritvela..that being 12am or 2 am...it is important for a sikh to wake up at Amritvela...other wise one shouldn’t even call themselves the Sikhs of the Guru. Every day we go to the gurdwara and bow our heads in front of Dhan Dhan Guru Granth Sahib ji maharaj, yet we don’t follow anything maharaj says! Some even wake up and do Nitnem but go back to sleep this is not Gurmat and pure manmat as you will see by the next few tukhs....!!

audmu kry Blky prBwqI iesnwnu kry AMimRq sir nwvY ]

Upon arising early in the morning, he is to bathe, and cleanse himself in the pool of nectar.

It is very important for a Gursikh to have an ishnaan in the morning but even more important to jaap naam while having a bath other wise there is no point. The reason for this is because even if we are not in Amritsar and cannot have ishnaan in the holy tank we can still get the same flavor of ishnaan in our own bathrooms! If we don’t jap naam or do some kind of Gurbani abhiyaas whilst bathing then it will not be accepted by maharaj.

aupdyis gurU hir hir jpu jwpY siB iklivK pwp doK lih jwvY ]

Following the Instructions of the Guru, he is to chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. All sins, misdeeds and negativity shall be erased.

Wahegurooo....following the instructions of the guru...are we doing this...sadly NO! It is pure manmat to have the guts to wake up and not jaap naam...even doing nitnem alone will NOT have a great value if we do not jaap naam...as this is what mahraj tells us to do THROUGHOUT mahrajs gurbani!! So how can we say that naam is nothing...pure manmat thinking!! There are many ways one can build there naam kamai, (with waheguroo jis kirpa) one can start of by doing 5 mins, 10mins, half hour, and then hour, when we start doing a hour we will not want to STOP! We will then find the true meaning of waheguroo and his love!

iPir cVY idvsu gurbwxI gwvY bhidAw auTidAw hir nwmu iDAwvY ]

Then, at the rising of the sun, he is to sing Gurbani; whether sitting down or standing up, he is to meditate on the Lord's Name.

This is why it is stated that waking up and doing only nitnem then going back to sleep is manmat...Mahraj tells us that when the sun is rising that is the time of doing the nitnem that has been blessed to you by mahraj!! But it does not stop there....jaaping naam through out the whole day is very very important...Even if we do wake up amritwela but don’t jaap naam in the day time then you are just a sleep in the day...Hukam is to jaap naam in the day!! Jaap naam 24/7..specialy in the day...while working...doing kaam...etc..!! NAAM IS EVERYTHING...!!

jo swis igrwis iDAwey myrw hir hir so gurisKu gurU min BwvY ]

One who meditates on my Lord, Har, Har, with every breath and every morsel of food - that GurSikh becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind.

Here mahraj continues to show the importance of naam japna through out the day...when we start to do athi pehr naam abhiyaas we will start to get closer to waheguroo and mahraj will show us more love, as this is bringing you closer to Mahraj!! So why waste time, if we have true love then we will not be wasting any more time. START NOW!!

As every one is aware of there is a lot of beadbi of Dhan Dhan Guru Granth Sahib Ji Mahraj, but who said we are not doing beadbi…we don’t listen to mahraj…when we took Amrit we promised to mahraj…that we will sacrifice our man, dhan to you…but have we really done this! NO because we do not jaap naam we said we are yours but yet don’t listen to a word what mahraj says! WE LIED TO MAHRAJ….what can be a bigger beadbi then this even his Sikhs are turning away, mahraj will be more hurt by this…!!

What happened in 1984, has hurt the khalsa panth a lot…we talk about the Indian government did very bad…the Indian Government attacked from the front…so we went fighting but how about now…they are still attacking but from behind we don’t realize this because we are blinded by the pleasure, some even say we are going to wait for a leader or going to go when there is another attack on the panth, the most powerful leader is Dhan Dhan Guru Granth Sahib ji, that’s all we should be concentrating on.

Sant Jarnail singh ji was a great leader for the Sikhs, as he did parchaar on seva, naam and sacrifice, he awoke the panth, but sadly the panth has gone back to sleep.

…there is a lot of ‘dhil’ (weaknesses) in the panth, a lot of division in the panth, due to rehit…but why??? There is only one main rehit and that is naam as mahraj explains…everything outside naam is false..what ever the rehit is!! Do not argue about rehit get together and jaap naam…read Gurbani, do veechar and mainly do amritwela! Some believe that we need to do something for the panth and not just jaap naam..yeh this is correct, but without naam we can not do anything…how will we be able do seva for the panth if we are not strong in mind! If we can’t wake up amritwela then… sorry but we will NEVER get Khalsa Raj, we will get no where physically or mentally!

ijs no dieAwlu hovY myrw suAwmI iqsu gurisK gurU aupdysu suxwvY ]

That person, unto whom my Lord and Master is kind and compassionate - upon that GurSikh, the Guru's Teachings are bestowed.

Mahraj will only be kind and compassionate to us if we do what mahraj says…his hukam is to jaap naam…through out Dhan Dhan Guru Granth Sahib ji it does veechar on naam…mahraj tells us NAAM JAPO, NAAM JAPO, NAAM JAPO!

NOTE - that Gurbani and Naam are two different things….this does not mean that they are higher then each other Gurbani still does usttaat of waheguroo. Gurbani tells us what to do…instructions…but doing those things is different..if mahraj says naam japo..then we have to use the gurmantar that our Panj Piyareh have taught us as for the Sikhs, Waheguroooo!

jnu nwnku DUiV mMgY iqsu gurisK kI jo Awip jpY Avrh nwmu jpwvY ]2]

Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that GurSikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. ||2||

Finally, mahrajs ends the shabad by telling us to jaap naam ourselves and get others to jaap naam! It is important to organize Keertan programs and Simran programs around your local area…as mahraj will do a lot of kirpa on us!! Remember the best place to jaap naam is when there is ekta not different groups…don’t do things out of hanker do it out of love! ‘Sach kaho sun leho sabhe jin prem kiao thin hee prabh paiyo!!’
Please forgive this bhikari of any mistakes as I am to a leaner, I am only human and will surely make mistakes, as the sangat I put my hands together and pray at your feet to do ardaas for me!

Waheguroo ji ka khalsa Waheguroo ji ki fathe!


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: hopeless (IP Logged)
Date: March 16, 2008 04:26PM

soon as youre eyes open and realise its 2am,3am,4am or whatever ........ force your body to be dragged out of the bed and don't let even for one second let the mind think should i get up maybe after another 5 minutes because you would have lost the battle there and then.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 16, 2008 11:53PM

my dear brother, I can understand ur problem, studies, job, travelling, so much khuaariii,haha...(Satguru jee kirpa karan)
without amritvela, WE ARE DEAD. So amritvela tan karnnaa he karrnaa hai.
If u sleep at 12, even if u get up at 3-4, u wont be fresh and ur body wont be ready. So if I was u at ur place, I would completely give up the idea of having one long sleep , instead I will sleep in 2-3 intervals, for example u can sleep in some boring lecture(hahahaha), some time in the afternoon, and then sleep for 2-3 hours in the night, u need about 6 hours of sleep and once u start to decent abhiyaas 4-5 hours is good enough, and once u meet ur beloved Waheguru jee, u wont need any sleep, though u will have to give rest to this body.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: hopeless (IP Logged)
Date: March 17, 2008 04:14AM

"Mahraj tells us that when the sun is rising that is the time of doing the nitnem "

I am very confused,i thought nitnem is done during amritvela 2am-6am as opposed to after 6am when the sun is rising?????


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: sidhu.hcl (IP Logged)
Date: March 17, 2008 08:42AM

I think here we can refer from Sant Maskin ji, He clearly explained the best time is ( meeting of morning with the night ) or vice-versa called SANDHYA.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 12:07AM

<< am very confused,i thought nitnem is done during amritvela 2am-6am as opposed to after 6am when the sun is rising?????>>>

Thats a really nice question. U ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO IS CONFUSED.

Here is what I think about all this(these are stricly my own views, so please dont argue or attack me as it seems to have become a habit among present day singhs and the puratan Gursikhi love and pyar has disappeared)
I dont use the 2-6am clock, or the 11.30-6 mahaan amritvela clock, haha.
Sikhi is UNIVERSAL TRUTH,Clock is made by isnaan.
Amrtivela starts 3 hours(1 pehar) before sunrise.So a sikh shud ATLEAST rise about 3.5-4 hours BEFORE SUNRISE. If someone wants to wake up before this, THATS GREAT, but then that person SHUD NOT SLEEP BEFORE OR DURING THE AMRITVELA.
A new trend has started in the present akJ that People these days are used to sleeping late, so they start their "amritvela" at 10-11 in the night and finish it at about 2 am(before the start of actual amritvela). ITS THEIR PERSONAL CHOICE, but such people shud not be advocating or do their mahaan parchaar that philanaa jathedaar, brahamgyani, dasam duaari, jyot vigaasi, sant, baba, mahapurash gets up at 11 or 12, so thats the time amritvela starts and there is no such thing as 1 pehar amritvela before sunrise. During this amritvela, NAAM SHUD BE THE FOCUS(though gurbani can be used for giving naam a kick or for sharpening the surtii). The morning nitnem shud be done AT SUNRISE. rehraas sahib shud be done AT SUNSET. Kirtan sohila shud be done BEFORE SLEEPING.
during amritvela and befor nitnem, one shud not be eating or drinking anything, after nitne, ardaas shud be done(simple short BHOLLI ardaas is better than a long goody goody words, haummee vali ardaas that has become a norm these days).After ardaas, HAIR SHUD BE COMBED, DASTAAR shud be tied and then annn-paani shud be chakked and even some dakkkaaars and missiles can be blasted(one shud be courageous enough to generate some sound and shud not blast a coward, deadly silent missile,hahahahaha)


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 09:05AM

Sorry Yaar, if you post a reply then prepare for a response, its the name of the game.

For me it is even more simple then this. Get up 2.00am in the morning, do ishnaan, bani paath, nitname. Job done.

Keep it nice and simple.

What do you do within the Arctic Circle where the sun doesn’t rise for 6 months?

Does not matter whether you are in the arctic circle where there is 6 months day and 6 months night or in Iceland where sunrise comes 1.00 am in the morning or 10.00am in the morning, get up 2.00am – amritwella, do your nitname ………..sorted.

And why not do a long ardaas, who are you going to show your haumae to at amritwella? There is only you and Akaal Purkh, why not take 10 mins in deep conversation with your True Pitta?


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: No_0ne (IP Logged)
Date: March 18, 2008 01:24PM

"Amrtivela starts 3 hours(1 pehar) before sunrise.So a sikh shud ATLEAST rise about 3.5-4 hours BEFORE SUNRISE."

Sunrise happens at 5:30 where I am, so amritvela starts at 2:30 for me.

"The morning nitnem shud be done AT SUNRISE."

Does it have to be at sunrise because baba harnaam singh did his nitnem at the beginning of amritvela (2:00). Does it matter? as long as it is done in the morning shouldn't it be alright?

thank you


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 20, 2008 08:47AM

I don't think there is any prohibition on doing nitnem earlier than sunrise. If a person can get up consistently at 2am or so, it is just great. Too many calculations of when it starts and when it doesn't are just a waste of time. The bottomline is to do solid abhyaas at amritvela and end it with kirtan of Siri Asa kee Vaar or otherwise attending sangat.

As for how to have a solid amritvela, the first thing to do is to really want it and do ardaas before Satguru jee for kirpa. Sleeping early definitely helps. If one sleeps at 10 or beyond that, it would be hard to get up at 2am. One should try to sleep at 8pm to get up easily between 1 and 2. Some Singhs say that eating early i.e. around 6 or 7 pm helps with Amritvela Abhyaas. Doing simran before sleeping helps getting up at Amrit Vela.

Kulbir Singh


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: isinghd (IP Logged)
Date: March 21, 2008 08:11AM

My question is not directly related to Amrit Vela as such but to the consumption of food/water before completing at least Japji and Jaap Sahib. From what I can gather the Muktnama stipulates that we should not consume food until at least until these 2 banis have been recited.

I sometimes attend Amrit Vela Simran programmes at my local Gurdwara and often feel like eating Karah Parshad. Since reading the Muktnama I have stopped consuming Karah as by this time my Nitnem has not commenced.

Are we allowed to eat Parshad or drink just water before reading Nitnem?

I Singh


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: No_0ne (IP Logged)
Date: March 21, 2008 12:15PM

I think consuming parshad and water before nitnem is fine.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 22, 2008 07:12PM

I personally feel there is a particular time to do nitnem. Like Sri Rehraas Sahib is done at sunset at Sri Harimandir Sahib. So I feel morning nitnem shud be done at sunrise.(charre divas gurbani gaavae).

<<< What do you do within the Arctic Circle where the sun doesn’t rise for 6 months?

Does not matter whether you are in the arctic circle where there is 6 months day and 6 months night or in Iceland where sunrise comes 1.00 am in the morning or 10.00am in the morning, get up 2.00am – amritwella, do your nitname ………..sorted.

And why not do a long ardaas, who are you going to show your haumae to at amritwella? There is only you and Akaal Purkh, why not take 10 mins in deep conversation with your True Pitta?>>>>>>

At poles, such things happen but the earth does not stop rotating about its own axis at poles. So basically the lowest, extreme east position is sunrise and the lowest extreme west position is sunset.
Earth rotates east to west. Sunrise happens when a point(place) on earth reaches maximum east and amritvela is some time before this happens(3 hours or 1 pehar).
Regarding the ardaas, well if u are alone u can do 24 hour ardaas, but in sangat ardaas has to be short and simple. I personally really loose my concentration when the ardaasiyee singh keeps on repeating the same lines again and again and just keeps on using goody goody words. I met somebody who was really honest and said that he gets really angry and impatient when such an ardaas happens.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: March 23, 2008 07:34AM

I discussed this amritvela timings with a very jeevan vala singh who keeps strict rehit. He said that sunrise is a pretty complex issue but he said that he prefers to do his amritvela naam abhiyaas(duration 3 hours) before sunrise. He gets up at 2-2.15 am and does abhiyaas from 3-6 but in summers(june, july), sunrise happens much before 6 am so he gets up at around 1 and does abhiyaas from 2-5.

Regarding nitnem timings, Bhai SAhib Randhir Singh has written that amritvela is 1 pehar(3 hours) and one shud do abhiyaas for about 2.5-3 hours. NOw if we start to our nitnem withim amritvela, it will take around 50-60 minutes. As a result, naam abhiyaas will be for around 2 hours. Secondly, amritvela is a time to dry the hair, if one doesn nitnem from a gutka or pothi, one has to tie dastaar(doing paath from pothi nange sirr is BEADBI), it will make hair drying tough.

Having said that, the most important thing is to stay awake during amritvela. There are people who do their nitnem within amrtivela and have reached very high avastha, there are people who do sukhmani sahib within amritvela and reached high spiritual levels. Just couple a days back, I met an AMAZING gursikh in Panipat,Haryana. He does not belong to AKJ,does not have naam drirh, but keeps bibek and reads gurbani all day and all night and has a very nice jeevan and avastha. He does kirtan with vajja at amritvela. Then a couple of months back, I met a bibi(without dastaar and without naam drirh),she reads gurbani 24 hours and water keeps pouring out from her eyes. She belongs to an extremely rich family but married a very poor singh(because of his honesty and gurmukhtaee) and instead of making the singh ghar-jamaii, she stays in her singhs house, does seva of her parents-in- law and her singh.
So Satguru jee da khell , Satguru jee he jaande neee, banda nahin jaan sakdaa.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: April 03, 2008 02:38AM

sun(light and heat) drives all life on planet earth.
Greater the sun energy, higher the entropy of earth and its surrounding system. Now entropy is a measure of randonmess(movement, restlessness, bandhan). AFter sunset, the entropy of the universe starts to get less. So may be amritvela is the lowest entropy state of earth which is the time before sunrise and maximum away from sunset.Infact early morning before sunrise(and even 10-15 minutes after sunrise) is the coldest time of the day.
from personal experience, a 2 hour naam abhiyaas at early morning before sunrise is much much more powerful than a 2 hour abhiyaas done with sun above the horizon.
So, a sikh shud ALTEAST wake up 4 hours before sunrise and if some one wants to get up 5 hours or 6 hours, THATS GREAT AND KIRPAAA.


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: kpsingh (IP Logged)
Date: April 30, 2008 07:35AM

Dear Veer jio,
To get up early at Amrit Vela, you need to do ardaas to Guru ji at all times (whenever it comes to your mind).

1. try to sleep early, 12:00 is too late. Think possible ways so that you can sleep early.
2. Also eat less before sleep. (make up for your diet as you feel during day time)
3. If it is not possible to, sleep early and get up early, but when you get up (say at 6 AM, 6:30 AM) do not get disheartened, just start as if it is amrit vela, and keep doing Nitnem and ardaas. Do not miss your Nitnem. It is important because doing Naam or Bani abhyas should not stop, and Guru ji will do kirpa.

syvk kau guru sdw dieAwl ]


Re: How to get up early morning(Amrit Vela)
Posted by: Jarnail Singh "Arshi" Gyani (IP Logged)
Date: May 21, 2008 06:23AM

a student of mine who had this same problem...solved it by eating the evening meal earlier..around 5.30 PM. By the time of Amrtivela around 2.30 am his body has finished digesting and he is lighter/less sleepyhneaded. His College is from 8 am-4 - so he has to be in the bus by 6am and reaches home by 5..

Points already stressed by other posters...Guru Jis Kirpa Drishtee, Ardass, strong desire and discipline..all count. any one weak link and the entire plan can fail...as Gurbani says..it is NOT EASY..burreh kaam ko utth khaloya...we can most easily "wake up" for bad things..BUT to get up for a GOOD thing is often so hard..persevere....and persevere..Guru Ji does Kirpa drishtee !!


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