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Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Death (IP Logged)
Date: November 05, 2007 08:16AM

Does bhai sahib randhir singh say anything on meditating on Guru Nanak Dev? is it OK to do so or is it wrong? Also, are there any stories in bhai sahibs time where it is shown that meditation on Guru Nanak is OK?


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Sardar Singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 05, 2007 11:14AM

How do you meditate on Guru Nanak? Is this different than regular jaap of naam?


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Death (IP Logged)
Date: November 05, 2007 12:29PM

you know, repeat dhan guru nanak dev continuously, exactly how we jap naam though without doing swas girash.


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: dilpuri (IP Logged)
Date: November 05, 2007 05:58PM

Fateh Ji,

I do not think meditation on Guru Nanak is OK. Then Hindus will say meditation on rama is OK and same Meditation on Krishana is OK.
Though I do not feel that any one of them is apart from God. Even if they have different kalas 16, 12 and sarb kalas.
These powers were give by god him self keeping in mind the situation at that time.
If you say Guru Namak and Guru Gobind Singh ji are Ek jot. Guru Gobind clearly awarded pinishment for meditating on him that person will go to hell.
It is totally unacceptable in sikhism.


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: November 06, 2007 02:43AM


Japping the name of Guru Nanak Dev Ji or Guru Gobind Singh Ji or any of the Gurus for that matter gives sooo much "Phall". There is great power in our Gurus and by reciting just their name you will be blessed immearuablity.

"Dhan Guru Nanak Dhan Guru Nanak Dhan Guru Nanak...." just try it and see, it is amazing. Just think if you remember someone and repeat their name then you are longin for them and you are making that connection, and you think Guru Nanak Dev Ji will not notice ??? Of course He will.

Forget all the negative people, jap Gurus name ( as well as all the banis of course)


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: November 06, 2007 03:06AM

No offence Dilpuri <<<< do not think meditation on Guru Nanak is OK >>>
how can you even think of saying such a thing, with every Russna Japping on Guru Nanak Dev Ji's name kotta kote paap are washed away.

He is you father why would you not want to remember Him ?


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Bundha (IP Logged)
Date: November 06, 2007 08:29AM

By the way, there is nothing wrong with Hindus meditating on Sri Ram Chandra Ji and Bhagwan Krishan Ji.


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: kulbir singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 06, 2007 10:07AM

I believe that our Guru Sahibaan have instructed us to meditate only on the Shabad. Guru's Shabad is the Gurumantra and this GurMantra is not "Dhan Guru Nanak" or "Dhan Guru Gobind Singh". Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee in one of his books have written that the vilakhantaa (uniqueness) of our Guru Sahibaan is that they did not have their Sikhs recite their Naam but the Naam of Akal Purakh. Bhai Sahib further expresses unhappiness over some Sikhs shouting new slogans like That Zindabaad and this Zindabaad. Bhai Sahib writes that to Sikh, Guru Sahib has blessed with the divine slogan of "Sat Sree Akaal", which is a praise of Akal Purakh.

There is no vidhaan in Sikhi to japp the physical names of our Guru Sahibaan but to japp only and only Naam and Gurbani. This does not mean that we can't say Dhan Guru Nanak or Dhan Guru Gobind Singh jee but this means that we should be japping only Gurmantr or Gurbani. Remembering the great deeds of Siri Guru Sahibaan and uttering Dhan Dhan is perfectly fine in Gurmat but Jaap and Simran should be done of Naam Gurmantr only.

Kulbir Singh


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Xylitol (IP Logged)
Date: November 06, 2007 12:25PM

jaap of the Guru's names is fine according to many kathakars like gyani thakur singh ji. however, i do think it's good to focus on gurmantr as that's given to you by the punj pyare.


Re: Meditation on Guru Nanak
Posted by: Harinder Singh (IP Logged)
Date: November 07, 2007 02:55AM

From personal experience, doing japp of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee Maharaj and Sri Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj kicks ones Gurmantar abhiyaas. These names have kalaa and there is absolutely no doubt about it but in order to experience this kallaa one shud first take the daat of Gurmantra from Guroo roop Punj.


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